The new “adult” generations face difficulties in shaping their future, especially in pursuing personal and financial independence and exploring new professional directions.
Indeed, the absence of “simple” key competencies for lifelong learning and innovative and entrepreneurial thoughts and attitudes based on empowerment and awareness-oriented financial education is the motto for the emergence and/or perpetuity of phenomena of social exclusion.
In this context, we identify the social problem of social exclusion arising from a set of fracturing socio-economic problems in today’s societies related to the low level of financial literacy of families (especially young people) and the inability of systems (primarily educational, social and family) in solving it.
Young people who build financially sustainable life projects in more capable societies.
Consolidation of a basic methodology for the implementation and creation of an economic and financial literacy program and empowerment of young people with new knowledge and experiences that emphasise their potential in building their life project, promotion of new opportunities, initiatives, and activities that emphasise equal access to personal, social and professional development opportunities for young people and advancement of youth participation in society as a future generation.
The project aims to combat social exclusion and/or poverty among young people, resulting from low economic and financial knowledge, through:
Development of learning/skills:
PRO(F)LITERACY 2.0 Financial Literacy Intervention Programme. This manual has been developed as part of the Competence Based Development Programme for Financial Literacy.
The handbook serves as a practical tool for youth workers and young Europeans, providing guidance and resources to build financial literacy. It reflects the collaborative efforts of the consortium and seeks to empower its users with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed, confident financial decisions in their everyday lives.
Click below to check it out!