Trainings and Exchanges

Youth exchanges in action

Íllora, Granada, Spain
06/08/2024 - 13/08/2024

What was the main topic of the project?

Gleb Pušin - How to create your own project.

Jekaterina Fiter - Youth Exchange.

Aire Sellal - Key Action 1 Youth Exchange projects.

Maksym Kiselov - Non-formal education.

koolitus training course nyh Spain Youth exchanges in action

What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Gleb Pušin - Designing your own session.

Jekaterina Fiter - Personal session.

Aire Sellal - I learned how to design, implement, and evaluate non-formal educational activities in youth exchanges. This training course was perfect opportunity to share good (and bad) practices with other participants.

Maksym Kiselov - Generating ideas --> Analysing --> Choosing.

Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

Gleb Pušin - I want to participate in 2 more similar projects(need more knowledge) and then create my own.

Jekaterina Fiter - Yes, organize my own exchange.

Aire Sellal - Yes! Local youth and I are planning to organise a youth exchange in Setomaa.

Maksym Kiselov - Organizing a new student organization at TalTech University to support the startup ecosystem. Our team is planning to host a variety of events!

koolitus training course nyh Spain Youth exchanges in action

Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Gleb Pušin - I would recommend this experience, because when you are communicating with people from other cultures, you are changing your mindset and improve it.

Jekaterina Fiter - Yes, for teachers and youth workers.

Aire Sellal - Absolutely! I recommend Erasmus+ not only to my friends, but to everyone I meet. I strongly believe in non formal education and learning through experience. Erasmus+ offers equal opportunities to everyone. It is a great opportunity to travel, develop your skills, become aware of social realities and cultural differences and reinforce values such as solidarity, democracy and friendship.

Maksym Kiselov - Yes, definitely recommended. It's a great opportunity to gain a clear understanding of educational processes, practical experience working in a team to create non-formal education sessions, plus deeper insights into Erasmus+.

koolitus training course nyh Spain Youth exchanges in action

Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Jekaterina Fiter - Very intense week I really enjoyed it! Thank you!

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme

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