Let’s cook something

Rajcza, Poland
19/02/2024 - 28/02/2024

What was the main topic of the project?

Elisabeth tomingas – Cooking and team building.

Laura-Kristiina Jalak – Cooking, cleaning and learning to be responsible.

Carola-Elisabeth Anter – Cooking.

Emilia Laanjärv – Cooking.

Beata Blaževitš – Cooking.

Alina – cooking.

What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Elisabeth tomingas – I learnt about different energizers, that I could use in the future. Got to know alot about other countries that participated in the project.

Laura-Kristiina Jalak – That we had to clean up for ourselves and also I practiced my English .

Carola-Elisabeth Anter – Learning how to make pirogi and how to work in a team.

Emilia Laanjärv – When we cooked dishes from other countries and worked in groups. I learned a lot of new.

Beata Blaževitš – How to be a leader and how to find a common language with every person.

Alina – learning things about different cultures.

koolitus youth exchange nyh spain cooking

Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

Elisabeth tomingas – Yes! I want to take apart of everything that I can :)

Laura-Kristiina Jalak – Yes I want to learn to cook even better and I want to take part of more similar projects.

Carola-Elisabeth Anter – Yes, I want to particiapte more in YE.

Emilia Laanjärv – You mean in others Erasmus projects? Totally yes! I really like this organization, the project was perfect and I developed a lot and I want to continue being active in this organization.

Beata Blaževitš – Yes☺️

Alina – If you're asking me about cooking, then yes. This is my hobby, and I have found different recipes from different countries that I like. I'll try to cook it myself. But if you ask about the project, I will answer yes. I really like the international project and the experience I found there. Meet interesting people and get acquainted with different countries. In the future, I will try to participate in more and more projects.

Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Elisabeth tomingas – Yes, because it's the best thing you can do to grow as a person.

Laura-Kristiina Jalak – Yes, it was a great experience and I gained new skills and practiced the ones I already had.

Carola-Elisabeth Anter – Yes, because I got new friends, I got a little more open and I got to know different cultures.

Emilia Laanjärv – Yes! During this project I found many new friends, developed myself and learned a lot about new cultures.

Beata Blaževitš – Yes, because Erasmus+ projects aren’t just projects where people are studying the topic. It is place, where you are finding a new friends, your mind is starting to work in unusual way and you can get to know so many cultures.

Alina – Yes, and I've already done that. I really like this project. I met a lot of friendly people and learned the traditions of different countries. We did team building a lot of times, and I really like it because, because of it, we found a common language more and more quickly. There were very cool impressions when we visited the mountains, a big city, a school, and in general, it was good that we lived next to a small town. It was very convenient. I very much like this project, and it will stay in my memory forever.

koolitus youth exchange nyh spain cooking

Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Elisabeth tomingas – Me kahjuks ei teinud üldse süüa, kuigi kogu projekti teema oli see. Tundus nagu oleks projekt olnud team buildingu ning energizerite kohta. :(

Emilia Laanjärv – This project and this organization is very cool. I liked this experience very much and want to continue participating in Erasmus projects and being in touch with this organization. Thank you for this experience. I appreciate it a lot!

Beata Blaževitš – Thank you for a chance to be a group leader. Unforgettable experience

Alina – I really liked the food.

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme

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