Trainings and Exchanges

Fight fake news in social media

07/01/2024 - 13/01/2024
Bilbao, Spain

koolitus training course nyh spain fake news

What was the main topic of the project?

Olha Haidai – Fake News in different countries and ways how to deal with them.

Tairi Alanurme – Mainly we discussed and shared how different countries detect fake news and how they fight them.

Kati Kadarpik - The impact of fake news and how to determine them, avoid them and deal with them.

What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Olha Haidai – The biggest learning moment for me was when I got acknowledged more with experience of other countries. It was very interesting to listen to how other people deal with fake news and how this news influences their lives.

koolitus training course nyh spain fake news

Tairi Alanurme – Since Estonia doesn’t have a big problem with fake news, it was really interesting and inspiring to hear experiences from other countries, especially from Armenia and Ukraine. It really taught me to be very grateful for the situation we have in Estonia.

Kati Kadarpik - I think the biggest learning moment for me was to see the difference between different countries and how each one of us deals with the same issue a little differently.

Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

Olha Haidai – Indeed! I found the topic important for working on it more and also I would like to be involved in Erasmus+ field more in general.

koolitus training course nyh spain fake news

Tairi Alanurme – Yes! Since I study journalism, after that project I want to work as a journalist even more and even be a correspondent in different countries.

Kati Kadarpik - I study journalism and I am a communication manager, so fighting fake news is a big part of my job already. Now I can just do it that much better!

Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Olha Haidai – Of cource! It`s wonderful experience that changes people`s lives for better.

Tairi Alanurme – Yes! It was very inspiring to meet other people from such different cultures and backgrounds, hear each other stories, to spend so much time together and make connections for the rest of my life. This project for sure impacted my life and in the best way possible.

Kati Kadarpik - Yes, absolutely! It is an incredibly eye-opening experience in the sense of different cultures, new contacts, amazing memories and new knowledge.

Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Olha Haidai – Suur tänu minu imelisele Eesti meeskonnale ❤️

Tairi Alanurme – Thank you for our coordinator Marco!! This whole experience was very smooth and organized and I am looking forward for future projects :)

Kati Kadarpik - Igaühele, kes on korrakski mõelnud, et selline programm neile meeldida võiks - tehke ära, see on seda väärt!

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme

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