Trainings and Exchanges

Si Vis Pacem Para Pacem

Kolin, Czech Republic
23th February - 2nd March 2024

What was the main topic of the project?

Edgar Thomas Nero Trumm – Community organising

Carol Väljaots – Community organising

Diana Bobrinskaja – Community building

What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Edgar Thomas Nero Trumm – Heard many inspirational stories from the trainers, how to start small and local and then the community will start to build itself from there. Also, I did a lot of introspective work and learned some valuable stuff about myself.

Carol Väljaots – The biggest learning moment for me was the planning process of action plans. Each participant needed to take all the learning (methods, systems) and apply it to their reality. It was useful and motivating to do the plan right there and then.

Diana Bobrinskaja – For me every workshop and topic brought something new to my soul and I gained a lot of knowledge, for example skills needed for a community organiser, plan how to build it, developed public speaking thanks to role plays and simulations.

Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

koolitus training course nyh czechia community organising

Edgar Thomas Nero Trumm – Yea of course. I have an action plan to do ☀️

Carol Väljaots – I'll be active in my community and work towards organizing and systemizing it better based on what we learned on the project.

Diana Bobrinskaja – Yes, I do, in youth and volunteer field, maybe to organise something or try to bring my plan made in the project to real life.

Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Edgar Thomas Nero Trumm – 100%, this was content wise one of the best projects for me.

Carol Väljaots – Yes, definitely. The trainers were very competent in what they taught us, and the organizational side was amazing.

Diana Bobrinskaja – I would for sure! This is a great opportunity to change completely in one week, you would have so many insights and develop yourself personally and professionally thanks to amazing trainers!

koolitus training course nyh czechia community organising

Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Edgar Thomas Nero Trumm

Carol Väljaots

Diana Bobrinskaja – I’d say that I’m so grateful that I took part in this training, I met so nice people and gained knowledge that I wouldn’t get anywhere else! These are best memories of my young ages and I’m glad I discovered this way of learning for myself!

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme

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