All members of the Noored Uhiskonna Heaks commit themselves to a Code of Conduct. The role of our members, representatives and service providers is to empower young people and facilitate their learning. The following ethical values underpin the standards of ALL activities, knowledge, skill, competence and conduct as set out in this Code.

Care, Professional Responsibility and Integrity

Noored Uhiskonna Heaks members practice is motivated by the best interests of the young people involved in the event they are responsible for. They show this through striving for positive influence, professional consideration, practicing empathy and making all reasonable steps in relation to the care and safety of everybody involved. Members of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks will uphold standards of ethical conduct that reflect well on the individual as well as the profession at large. They will not apply any activity without being aware of its possible dangers or negative impacts on anyone involved on physical, mental or environmental levels. They will assess possible risks and be prepared to interrupt an activity and take care about concerned individuals in the case of unintended or unexpected negative process.


Members of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks defend and protect human dignity and promote equality as well as emotional and cognitive development. In their professional practice, they demonstrate respect for individual values, embrace diversity, social justice, freedom, and democracy as well as the respect for the environment.


The relationships of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks members and representatives with young people, colleagues, and clients are based on trust. Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honesty. Members of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks are aware of their role and corresponding needs and will work towards ensuring the needs of the individuals they work with are the foundation for their working relationship.

Inclusion and protection of targeted individuals

The members of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks condemn discrimination and harassment in all their activities. Discrimination occurs when a person or a group of people are treated less favorably than another person or group or are denied or carelessly not offered the opportunity to participate freely and fully in all activities (following our National Equal Treatment Act occurs where there is unwanted conduct on the ground of a person’s sex or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature and that conduct has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them (following our National Gender Equality Act Uhiskonna Heaks and its members strive to detect, name and interrupt devaluation, marginalisation, exclusion or violation of individuals e. g. on basis of ethnic origins, nationality, sex, gender, religion, age, individual abilities, political beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, marital or family status or any other characteristic, and strive to establish learning and growth environments in which this is easily possible.

Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity

Members, representative or service providers of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks will treat individuals they work with dignity and respect, embracing and appreciating cultural differences, ensuring the participant’s right to autonomy, privacy, self-determination, and confidentiality. They accord appropriate respect to the fundamental human rights, dignity, and worth of all people. They are mindful that legal and other obligations may lead to inconsistency and conflict with the exercise of these rights. Members, representative or service providers of Noored Uhiskonna Heaks make any reasonable effort to become aware and diminish the effect of their own biases in their work. If they find themselves or are identified to be participating in, condoning or tolerating unfair discriminatory practices while delivering their work they will take immediate measures to interrupt this behaviour or suspend their role until the issue is solved.

If you represent or provide services to Noored Uhiskonna Heaks in the youth work field, you must agree with our principles, values and pledge.

In case of our principles, values or pledge are not followed by any member, service provider or representative, please contact us in informing the nature of the complain and a board of members will receive, analyze, verify and, if confirmed misconduct, take immediate measure to counter act appropriately on the matter.Noored Uhiskonna Heaks pledge to support the physical, mental and legal integrity of all its members, while in representation of our organization.